Black@Blakes is an affinity group at our law firm focused on providing support for our Black legal professionals. One important initiative on which we wished to focus was client outreach. The banking client we were partnering with had a substantial US presence so we needed to find a dynamic and engaging program that would be of broad interest to both a Canadian and US audience and could be delivered effectively in the virtual environment. We were very pleased to work with Dr. Adjetey on a fascinating virtual discussion about the Underground Railroad and its lasting legacies in both the United States and Canada. I was particularly impressed by Dr. Adjetey’s ability to seamlessly deliver the highest levels of historical scholarship while doing so in a lively and energetic manner. Dr. Adjetey had not only the expert’s command of the subject matter but also a delivery style that brought the history alive. The feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive as Dr. Adjetey was able to bring to light undeniable historical truths in a way that was relatable for a diverse, cross border audience. We look forward to opportunities to work together in the future.
Linc Rogers - Blake, Cassels & Graydon (Partner)
Dr. Adjetey, I want to thank you for the testimony you gave in the very important case brought against Justice Donald McLeod by the Ontario Judicial Council. Your description of the systemic nature of anti-Black racism in our society and institutions and the structural inequities in both was compelling. For an all white panel, and frankly, for white lawyers like me, it was highly revealing. Like the great teacher I expect you are, you were informative, rational, persuasive and passionate about a subject you have deep knowledge about. The Panel members and even counsel opposite acknowledged the importance of your testimony. It was a privilege to learn from you about these very important issues and the defence team is grateful for your careful and diligent work on this case.
Sheila Block - Torys LLP (Partner)
I have heard Professor Wendell Adjetey speak several times at community sponsored events. Each time he was absolutely amazing. As the co-architect of Operation Black Vote Canada’s 1834 Fellowship, I was determined for our Fellows to experience his incredible talent of linking history with current events while delivering it in a passionate and digestible manner for young people. He did not disappoint us; he left the Fellows inspired with a call to action to learn more about our stories and be well-versed in issues related to our Black communities. Professor Adjetey is an example of what 'excellence' in action looks like!
Velma Morgan - Operation Black-Vote Canada (Chairman)
As a SSHRC-funded doctoral candidate in the field of Labour History and African-American Studies, Wendell Adjetey gave an outstanding keynote address at SSHRC’s Imagining Canada’s Future (ICF) Fall Forum, in December 2017. The ICF Forum was organized to mobilize research knowledge on the theme of How will Canada Thrive in an interconnected world and evolving global society. Wendell gave a deeply insightful talk entitled In Search of Moral Authority: Canada in the Wake of WWII. An exceptional speaker, Wendell’s presentation illustrated the critical contributions of scholarly excellence in the humanities and social sciences to build understanding of our past with a view towards building a better future.
Ursula Gobel - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Vice President)